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Ready to start using
Neo EHR mobile app?

Getting started is quick and simple. Just follow these easy steps!

Download the NEO EHR mobile app (Android)

Click the "Download APK" button above to get the PlateauMed Neo EHR mobile app.


Install the app

Follow these steps to install the app.
Your Android OS may warn you that the app is not recognized or harmful since it is not on the official app store yet. Here’s what to do:

1. Allow Installation: Enable installation of apps from unknown sources in your device settings.
2. Scan the Neo App: Follow the prompt to scan the app.
3. Proceed with the installation: Continue with the installation process.

Depending on your device settings, you may need to start from Step 1 or 2. Just follow the prompts.


Neo EHR mobile app installed

The app should now be fully installed on your device. You’re ready to start using Neo EHR mobile app!